- amount of issue
- сумма эмиссии
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Amount in controversy — (sometimes called jurisdictional amount) is a term used in United States civil procedure to denote a requirement that persons seeking to bring a lawsuit in a particular court must be suing for a certain minimum amount before that court may hear… … Wikipedia
Issue — A particular financial asset. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. issue is‧sue 1 [ˈɪʆuː, ˈɪsjuː ǁ ˈɪʆuː] verb [transitive] 1. to officially give something such as a document to someone who needs or wants it: issue somebody with… … Financial and business terms
issue — A particular financial asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. issue is‧sue 1 [ˈɪʆuː, ˈɪsjuː ǁ ˈɪʆuː] verb [transitive] 1. to officially give something such as a document to someone who needs or wants it: issue somebody with something •… … Financial and business terms
issue price — Initial issue price of a financial instrument. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The gross price placed on a new bond issue, expressed as a percentage of the principal amount. Exchange Handbook Glossary * * * issue price issue price ➔… … Financial and business terms
issue — n. & v. n. 1 a a giving out or circulation of shares, notes, stamps, etc. b a quantity of coins, supplies, copies of a newspaper or book etc., circulated or put on sale at one time. c an item or amount given out or distributed. d each of a… … Useful english dictionary
issue — 1) The number of shares or the amount of stock on offer to the public at a particular time. See also new issue; rights issue; scrip issue 2) The number of banknotes distributed by the Bank of England at a particular time … Big dictionary of business and management
amount paid up — /əˌmaυnt peɪd ʌp/ noun an amount paid for a new issue of shares, either the total payment or the first instalment, if the shares are offered with instalment payments … Dictionary of banking and finance
amount — Quantity. The sum total of two or more particular sums or quantities; the aggregate; the whole quantity; a totality. Connelly v Western Union Telegraph Company, 100 Va 51, 669, 40 SE 618. The aggregate of principal and interest. The value of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
issue — I. n. 1. Egress, exit, outlet, way out, passage out. 2. Delivering, delivery, sending out. 3. Amount issued, number printed, impression, edition. 4. Edition, copy, number. 5. Event, consequence, end, termination, conclusion, consummation, result … New dictionary of synonyms
Notional amount — The notional amount (or notional principal amount or notional value) on a financial instrument is the nominal or face amount that is used to calculate payments made on that instrument. This amount generally does not change hands and is thus… … Wikipedia
Original issue discount — (OID) is a type of interest that is not payable as it accrues. OID is normally created when a debt, usually a bond, is issued at a discount. In effect, selling a bond at a discount converts stated principal into a return on investment, or… … Wikipedia